
3 min readJun 14, 2023


The Kitasoo/Xai’xais Nation allowed us camp right in front of their Big House in Klemtu, with beautiful views over the bay and the town.

I met a group of 4 fellow kayakers here who’d been on their way south from Prince Rupert. We basically established a Hilleberg base camp here…

This leg has started unexpectedly social for me. Yesterday, on my way to Rescue Bay (before Klemtu) I met another solo Inside Passage paddler, Joan, from LA.

We paddled a few miles together and found a wonderful camp site on a little island. It’s been very having company, even only for a few miles joint paddling and a dinner, but I’m sure our paths will cross again somewhere on this journey.

Enjoyed today’s half-rest day (due to high winds in the afternoon) in Klemtu, stroking along a little trail through the woods, reading and eating in the sun, chatting with some locals and also learning more about Canada’s terrible past wrt to the indigenous people who have lived here before for thousands of years.

Coming to Klemtu, just crossing Finlayson Channel (and also yesterday when paddling down Seaforth Channel), I can see how the landscape is changing. Mountain ranges are getting bigger and steeper. Winds are blowing more and colder. So far the weather had been amazing, looks like now some storms and rain are in the forecast for the next days.

I’m hoping to sneak through Meyer’s Passage tomorrow and cruise through the outside for a bit. Fingers crossed the weather gods are on my side…




Kat's solo trip along the Inside Passage by kayak 2023.