Klemtu to Prince Rupert

4 min readJun 23, 2023


I mean… not that the previous legs hadn’t already been mindblowing, but this section easily was beats everything.

I took a modified version of the route, going a bit more outside of the original route, which lead to some more exposure to ocean swell (nice to get some more dynamic water), less shipping traffic (basically didn’t see any other boats), and no bears (maybe wolves but that’s fine). I had a few people recommend this modification to me before, but I think I had been to intimidated by the overall undertaking of solo kayaking such a long stretch that I hadn’t given it much extra thought in my 3 months of prep. Anyways, I’m so super glad I did that section (thanks, Ken&Calvin for recommending!).

After the first 3 days of this section were surprisingly social (met another kayaker each day!), day 4–10 were maximally remote. I feel when you’re out and by yourself for so long, and every day just becomes this wonderful routine of getting up, packing up camp, kayaking (sometimes for just half a day, but other days for just so many hours), dinner, reading, exploring your local beach, sleep, repeat, nothing else around you in the world matters. You’re just there. In this moment. Away from everything and open to all those little things that happen in your tiny but beautiful little world.

Camping has been quite a jungle experience, straight out of any fairy tale. And green might be new favorite color now anyways ;)

We also finally got some rain, got to test the tarp setup (wonderful!) and how it feels to wear damp socks for many continuous days (not so wonderful, but also… who cares). Temperature went don’t quite a bit too. And so did my motivation to bathe every night in the ocean after kayaking. But again… nobody there to care ;)

I’ll just do a little photo dump here, because it’s been an incredibly socially busy day in Prince Rupert, meeting various friends made along the way again and hanging out with some new friend in Prince Rupert.

Had a wonderful little early bday celebration at the fantastic Cowpuccino Coffeehouse (mucho thanks to my home crew Elise, Matt, Ben & David).

Oh, lastly, by my counts I’m at 666 miles now -🤘🤘🤘

Headed towards the Ketchikan tomorrow; and should be crossing the US border on June 24th of all goes well.




Kat's solo trip along the Inside Passage by kayak 2023.