Paddeling in a Heat Wave

3 min readMay 27, 2023


Well, I’ve tried to prepare for a lot of different weather situations — but not this. It’s been warm, like: HOT. Apparently 29Celsius today (if I understood the French weather forecast on my radio correctly).

Yesterday around 3pm I had to do a quick clothing change, switching from neoprene pants and drytop for shorts and fleece shirts — definitely a great decision. This turned out to be perfect attire for today as well.

The water actually is so warm, I ended up bathing every evening at camp (think: wash off salt water with more salt water…)

Yesterdays paddle through the Gulf Islands was uneventful and a bit too calm for my taste. I clearly haven’t understood the tides here yet, somehow I was fighting an ebb all day long.

Pirate Cove made for a wonderful sunset — also getting used to the mosquitos here ;)

Decided this morning to do a long push and link two days (skipping the camp on Newcastle Island just outside Nanaimo). Something in me just asked for a loooong day on the water. Got a super early start, snug through Dodds Narrows at slack, and was welcomed with some nice headwind (which stayed with me for the rest of the day).

What a joy to finally get some bumpy water after yesterday’s flat ride. Quite some chop on my way over to Newcastle. I spend some time at the Dhingy Dock Pub, enjoyed a big lunch, and then set out on a windy afternoon working my way up along the southern shore of the Strait of Georgia, finally settling in on the western of the Ballenas Islands.

Pretty epic camping spot and my first real solo night and on an uninhabited island.

Will see how tomorrow’s weather is, hopefully it allows to cross the Strait (although, right now the wind is definitely picking up quite significantly — it’s supposed to die down tomorrow morning, will see whether that is true).

Sitting on top of my little island, I can now see the snow covered mountains in the north. Excited to see what’s up there…

After kayaking itself and the beautiful views, I think my next favorite thing here is my guilt-free and yet excessive evening-coffee+chocolate routine. Ideally before dinner ;-)




Kat's solo trip along the Inside Passage by kayak 2023.